Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tony Campbell v Chris Cavey for Balt County Republican Chair

Many in the Republican Party, have criticized Tony Campbell over his support for President Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign.  They choose to use this as reason for not supporting his bid for the chair for the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee.  My response to this is, REALLY??

My question is, how could any true conservative republican have supported McCain?  His campaign was nothing more than Obama light.  On many important issues, TARP, Cap and Trade, and the Bush tax cuts they where indistinguishable.  Given these two liberal’s, my choice was to vote neither. 

Now, I cannot read anyone’s mind.  The good Lord chose wisely not to give any man that power.  Though my wife does claim this ability.  However, in speaking with Tony I would say he made the obvious choice.  In this PC society, many want to ignore why this was a brave decision for Tony.  You had 2 candidates, almost in differentiated in policy. 
On one hand, you had the apologetic, dry, unenthusiastic McCain.  Opposing that, you had an energetic, young and handsome Obama.  Then, you have the African American factor.  Yes, I said it.  As a WASP male, I cannot begin to understand or appreciate the struggles of African Americans in the history of the United States.  Forget the Al Sharpton’s and Jessie Jackson’s in our society.  I am speaking of the real struggles that have and continue to exist.  With McCain’s less than inspiring presidential run, and the fervor (both real and press driven) of the Obama campaign the dye was cast.  To me, it was a brave decision for Tony to support the President.  This is opposed to the HYPOCRITICAL stance that many in the party took in supporting McCain.  Many in our local party supported McCain with his many shortcomings, yet they choose to condemn Tony over one.   Truly, politics would be better off if we decided issues on policy not party.  After all, isn’t that our concretive creed?   Given the nature of both campaigns, neither man deserved our support based on policy.  For Tony, the only choice was the historic nature of the one candidate he could identify with.  While Tony has apologized for voting heart, I for one applaud the fact that he could at least vote honestly and with a conviction.  Unlike all of you that supported McCain the man, while denouncing the policies he ran on.

To be honest, I was praying for an Obama victory.  Without Carter, we would not have had Ronald Reagan.  I know that a McCain victory would have set back the conservative movement in this county for decades.  With McCain, you would never have had 500,000+ conservative Americans marching in DC (50,000 if you watched CNN).  With McCain, you would have had most of the Obama policies.  The rest would have come when the Democrats would have inevitably taken over the White House in 2012, and been even more energized in the Congress.   It would have been the demise of our great nation.  

Instead, we have the dramatic rise in the conservative base.  Conservative candidates are poised to move back in and take back our country.  We can overturn the polices past during the last couple years.  Once again, America will be great. 

Most important for conservative republicans in Baltimore County, we have a choice.  The same old ineffective leadership, loosing power, votes and races.   All this, while the membership in true conservative organizations like Americans’ For Prosperity are sharply on the rise.  Then we have Tony.  Energetic and an effect lead.  He has all the tools to move us forward.  Tony has the know how, working with the Republican Central committee, a small business owner, Bush appointee, Professor Amenities in Political Science, Minister, and Military Officer.  To me the decision should be an easy one.  This is not just my opinion.  I worked many days in the RNC booth at the Maryland State Fair.  Virtually every candidate that I had contacts with also strongly supported Tony.  At least all that expressed an opinion. 

It should also be noted that Chris Cavey now has a paid position with Bob’s campaign.  Maybe that will keep him busy so that the county can move forward.  Additionally, Chris’s wife is one of only a few Republican’s that the O’Malley administration has retained.  Talk about covering your bases and not taking a stand!  When does Chris offer his apology?

I should say that I don’t think that the downfall of the MD Republican Party rests solely on the shoulders of Chris. The Maryland Republican party as a whole has become a bit of a joke within the GOP Parties of our neighboring states.  I hear it from my friends in the party to our north and south.  From what I hear Chris is a great guy.  But, this does not qualify him to lead our county.  Not with 8 years of abysmal performance.  Until we learn from our mistakes, this state and our party will never move forward.

L Jody DeSell
Conservative Baltimore County Republican……

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